JD/PR Book Review: ‘The Business of Podcasting’

I have read many books on social media, PR and other communications topics so it’s time to share my thoughts via short reviews. Here’s my first one, The Business of Podcasting by Steve Lubetkin and Donna Papacosta. I started off thinking, “OK, another how-to book on podcasting, aren’t there lots of those on Amazon already?” […]

Trying to Reach Journalists? Start with Email and Social Media

A new survey of journalists provides insights into the evolution of their use of social media. Of interest to those who are asked to “pitch” stories is the preferred method of contact: U.S. journalists’ top three methods of contact include email (84 percent), social media (33 percent) and telephone (15 percent). U.S. journalists list PR […]

Connecting with Higher Ed Media

I was fortunate to join more than 200 communicators from 163 colleges and universities in D.C. recently for the 29th annual College Media Conference organized by JD/PR client Council of Independent Colleges and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities. The continued rise of social media and importance of integrating its tools with traditional methods […]

Two Gold Awards for ‘Libby & Art’ Social Media Campaign

It’s always nice to be recognized for a campaign’s efforts, and a national social media program I helped to develop recently won two national Gold Awards in the Association Media & Publishing EXCEL Awards program for “Social Media Innovation and Strategy” and “Integrated Mixed-Media Campaign.” The Power of Liberal Arts campaign (featuring Twitter characters Libby […]

Practically Social Episode 6: “We Head to Baltimore to Talk to Liz at Planit”

Charlie Birney and I are now on Episode 6 of our new social media podcast – “Practically Social: The Jeff and Charlie Show.” In this episode, we sit down with Liz Borcik, social media senior manager with Planit, to talk Periscope, social media trends, interns in the workplace and more!  

New Reality of Crisis PR: Anyone with a Cellphone Becomes a ‘Reporter’

Activists and average citizens with their smartphones have radically changed the field of crisis communications. It used to be relatively easy to control a message during a crisis, says Ed Tobias, formerly with the Associated Press and now owner of Tobias Communication Strategies. You could call a few reporters or hold a press conference to disseminate your […]

The Absolute Latest in Social (At Least Today)

I was recently asked for my thoughts on what’s the latest in social media. There’s no easy answer, as new tools arrive every week and the focus constantly shifts, but as of this day in May, 2015, here’s my take: Live Video – Two new apps are demonstrating the popularity and usefulness of allowing users […]

Maryland PRSA Announces Leadership Team

I was honored to be elected co-president of the Maryland Chapter of PRSA this week. Below is the press release the chapter distributed: The Public Relations Society of America Maryland Chapter (PRSA-MD) has named its 2015 Board of Directors. The newly elected board consists of: Co-Presidents Jeffrey A. Davis, APR Principal, J. Davis Public Relations, […]

Journalists: Connect With Us on Twitter and Share Images and Links

Text-only press releases won’t get you too far in today’s newsrooms, according to a panel of journalists speaking at Capitol Communicator’s recent Convergence in Communications Conference. “I still get information from email, but what will we do with just the words in an email?” asked Bloomberg’s John Hughes. “The content needs to go onto the web, so […]

The ‘Main Thing’ Your Spokesperson Needs to Know

“If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.” – Quote commonly attributed to Mark Twain Focusing on brevity and conveying a single message is one of the greatest challenges in media training yet it’s the key to increasing your “quotability quotient,” according to a train-the-trainer session I attended led by media […]