JD/PR Selected as Maryland PR Agency for National Alliance of Independent PR Pros

PR Consultants Group, a national network of seasoned public relations professionals in top markets across the U.S., has added five new members to its alliance of independent PR firms, including Jeffrey Davis of J. Davis Public Relations (JD/PR) representing Baltimore and Maryland.

Davis has more than 25 years of experience in positioning and reputation management, particularly in media relations, content development. crisis communications and social media. A frequent speaker on social media and PR measurement, he is co-host of the weekly podcast, Practically Social.

His background includes crisis PR in connection with the National Transportation Safety Board’s longest and most complex investigation, social media for the largest tourism event ever held in Baltimore, and PR and social media for Maryland’s largest transportation project. For the past seven years he has served as regional editor for Capitol Communicator.

The network now has 52 independent senior-level public relations and communications consultants working in every sector of every major U.S. media market.

“We are excited to welcome these veteran public relations and branding executives from top markets across the country as we continue to strengthen our network of visionary leaders,” said Stacia Kirby, president of PRCG and founder of Kirby Communications“ in Seattle. They reinforce our commitment of ‘national strength. local power’.”

Founded in 2000, PRConsultants Group’s collaborative philosophy allows PRCG members to work together and separately on projects, offering “on the ground” experience in their local markets to serve clients’ regional and national public relations initiatives.

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